Saturday, December 31, 2011

Behind the Scenes at the Reception

You've seen the pictures of the reception, but what you haven't seen is how it all happened.  Soon after we began planning the wedding, my dear friend, Ronda Hollingsworth, convinced me to let her do the reception food for us.  It is well-known that Ronda is an excellent cook, and I had not doubt but what she could pull off a wonderful reception for us, but it was a lot to ask of anyone, even a good friend.  Once our Life Group heard that Ronda was doing the food for the reception, they decided to pitch in and help, too.  At least four other members of the Life Group, in addition to Ronda, helped prepare and serve the food.  Several other friends helped, as well, including two friends of  Ronda's, one of whom was in my 6th grade class many years ago.  I feel very blessed to have so many wonderful friends who worked so hard and gave of themselves to serve us in this way!

Molly Ironside, a former student of mine, helped cook on both Friday and the day of the wedding.  Molly and her mom also helped during the wedding so that Ronda could attend the ceremony.

Katherine Brill helped Ronda in the kitchen the morning of the wedding.

Here you see the many stacks of crepes that Ronda made and froze during the weeks before the wedding.

Katherine preparing pigs-in-a-blanket for baking

Molly and Ronda, hard at work

Others not pictured who helped in various ways were Stacey Canady, Annette Penny, Michele Miller, Angela Mueller, Amy Scarbrough, and Lacey Bingaman.

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