Saturday, February 19, 2011

Welcome Benjamin Thomas!

Yesterday, we welcomed Benjamin Thomas Rogers into our family. Can you believe that in just a little over five weeks I have gone from becoming a grandmother, to being the grandmother of two wonderful grandsons!

Benjamin Thomas Rogers
Born February 18, 2011 at 6:47 AM
6 pounds and 11 ounces
20 1/2 inches long

After Katie's doctor's appointment on Monday, I just had the feeling that we should come on to Houston on Thursday. That way we would be here before she went in for some tests on Friday morning, in case they decided to go ahead and induce. I knew that they would induce her labor on Monday, at the latest, so I made arrangements for a substitute from Thursday, through all of next week. When we arrived in Houston Thursday night about 8:30, I told Katie that I figured the best scenario would be for her to go into labor in the early hours of Friday morning. That way she could avoid having the tests run at the hospital, and I would be able to be here for more days after the baby arrived. When we went to bed about 10:30, we had no idea that in a few short hours we would be heading to the hospital with Katie in labor.

Katie woke up around 1 AM with strong contractions that she started timing, and she woke Jeremy up around 3 AM. By 4 AM, they knew that they needed to head to the hospital, so they woke us up, and we all got ready to leave. Since it was so early in the morning, we had to enter the hospital through the emergency entrance. I'm glad that I was there to park the car for Jeremy, because Katie was progressing quickly enough that it was best for him not to have to just drop her off, and it certainly would not have been good for her to have to walk from the parking lot.

Once Katie arrived in labor and delivery, they determined she was already dilated to 9 cm, and it probably wouldn't be long before the baby was born. David and I stayed back with Katie and Jeremy for awhile, and then the nurse asked us to leave because it was getting close to time for the birth. Katie was handling the labor like a "pro." We sat in the waiting area for awhile, and then about 6:45, I decided to stroll back and listen to see if I could tell what was going on in her birthing room. We arrived outside her room just in time to hear Benjamin's first cries. We could tell the baby was here, but still didn't know whether we had a grandson or granddaughter. We were actually guessing a girl because his cries reminded us so much of Katie. He was really screaming, and Katie was our baby that threw the biggest fit about being born. In fact, David said, "It must be a girl because it's throwing such a tantrum!" Of course, we were wrong, and we found out soon enough once Jeremy stepped outside into the hallway to show us a picture on his camera. We stood in the hall a bit longer and I began making phone calls and sending texts. Before long the doctor was finished, and we were able to go in to meet Benjamin ourselves. We were able to watch the nurse make measurements and later got to see Jeremy help the nurse give him his first bath. It was really a special time. Most of the rest of the day can be summed up with pictures.

Holding his Daddy's finger made it all better.

The proud mama, our daughter, Katie

The new family

The proud grandmother

The proud father with his son.

Grandpa finally got to hold him after his bath.

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